Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Birds are gross

I was walking to work this morning along Harwood Street when I heard this whoosh sound overhead and was subsequently shat on by oh about 8 pigeons flying overhead. I literally stood there drenched in pigeon explosive diarrhea while several onlookers stared at me with the most horrified faces I have ever seen. A lady called down from an apartment building and told me to come up and grab a towel which I gratefully did. I basically wrapped my hair up and somewhat wiped myself down so I could walk home and get in the shower (that lady is my hero, I am soooo grateful). It seriously took me like 15 minutes to wash it all outta my 'fro. Everyone keeps telling me that I should buy a lottery ticket now as being shat on is apparently good luck. Funny, cause I was not feeling so lucky when my hair was coated in pigeon McDonald’s and garbage eatin’ crap.


Anonymous said...


J.J. said...

Adrian, it would have been worse if it hit you...what with your bald head & all :P