Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We were made for this

Who knew that Canadian patriotism plus Olympic red mittens would equal a great hiding spot for a mickey of booze; I bet that the Hudson’s Bay Company never thought of that sort of legacy with their red mittens!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Angry Canuck

It seems that a lot of the foreign media is bashing our attempt at the Olympics this week *cough British and American* I have to laugh though as most of the criticism are things involving the weather (out of our control) and how boring the opening ceremonies were as compared to Beijing. First off, we have never had a winter this warm since we started keeping records of these things over 100 years ago and second, China is a communist nation with both infinite budget and infinite volunteers so really, I would like to see any nation try to top them, even you USA. The thing perhaps that gets me the most though (as it's personal) is the American media making fun of our politeness. Seriously, what is so wrong with saying 'please, thank you and you're welcome'? And another thing, no one pronounces it 'aboot' on the West Coast so get your head out of your ass American media and maybe try leaving your hotel room for a change and actually talk to a real Canadian or two.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

USA is not so A-OK

Not everyone was able to afford Olympic tickets and some people just plain got shafted by VANOC's shitty website and were unable to get tickets even though they were ready, willing and able to with Visa cards in their paws. Despite this fact there was a nice consolation prize that was open to everyone else: Country Pavilions. These are fun places located all over the city where you can drink the local beverages of the visiting nations and learn about their Olympic team and meet some new people. Seems fairly harmless and fun I'd say. Well about the only place not open to the public is the Team USA House; Nothing open to the public you say? No interactive exhibits? No goodwill ambassadors? Oh wait, but I can BUY something and then get the hell out with security breathing down my neck? How perfectly American. I'll save my money thanks! To not have any interactive public exhibits while the rest of the world extends goodwill? Why can't we all just be friends?

** Props go to Mary for bringing this sad little tidbit of international relations to my knowledge.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Olympic fever?

I am sick to death of people whining and bitching about the Olympics. Yeah the roads will be a mess for 3 weeks but come on people, this is going to be the biggest party ever and we get to show off our city to the world. For all of you whiners and protesters in your $500 North Face jackets, I better not see you out and about at any of the free concerts or in the beer gardens…remember? You hate the Olympics, stay at home, you're no fun anyway. I am hoping that the Olympics will make Vancouver a little more relaxed and a lot more fun, here's hoping!

Monday, February 01, 2010

JJ’s angry dance

Every year, without fail when I get my T4 (income tax return up here in Canada) and I see line 22 (income tax deducted) I almost faint. Don’t get me wrong, I adore living in Canada and I love all of my socialised medicine and stuff but ouch, you bastards in Ottawa took a ton of my money yet again and well, that kinda sucks.