Monday, October 08, 2007

Life on the coast

We went to the island for Turkey day festivities. On the way back, there was a 3 sailing wait to get back to the mainland. What’s up with that? I would gladly pay double the cost of the ferry just to drive back on a bridge, let’s build this damn thing already!

Oh and 3 annoying things that happen every single time we ride the ferry:
1) People who leave a crappy items on the ferry so that we have to hear them make announcements about how you can retrieve your water bottle, sock or torn wife beater shirt from the Chief Pursers Office every 30 seconds; thanks for being a forgetful slob fellow passengers.
2) People who put all of their worldly possessions across many seats on a packed ferry for family members who never show up just so you don’t have to sit next to a stranger.
3) People who start their cars up before the ferry has even docked despite the announcements telling you not to. Thanks, I have always wondered what carbon monoxide poisoning is like, I think I kinda get it now you selfish bastards.

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