Saturday, October 20, 2007

It's a wonderful day in the neighbourhood

The 'Couv was ranked the 2nd friendliest city in all of Canada. Obviously VANOC bribed the Reader’s Digest on this vote because I find the ‘Couv to be one of the rudest cities in all of Canada. East Coast and Prairie people are polite, warm and caring whereas Vancouverites push, shove, spit everywhere, let doors slam in your face, talk loudly on mobile phones anywhere and everywhere, etc. As I was walking up closer to the newspaper box proclaiming “We’re #2 in Politeness” some chick carrying a fake Coach handbag sideswiped me to push ahead of an older lady using a walker because she was not moving fast enough for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heh heh re: VANOC, so true, so true