Wednesday, August 08, 2007

It's really not all that difficult

Now for those who know me, you know that I am no rock star in mathematics, but I can still add and subtract with the best of them. So I’m at Starbucks yesterday getting my afternoon fix when the cashier says “$4.21, please”. My money bee* was chock full of small coins and a fiver and there was a long queue behind me so I handed over the fiver, a quarter and a penny. He takes the change and stares at it as if I’d just handed over a wad of Monopoly money and said “Don’t worry, keep the change”.

After the cloud of confusion appeared to clear, he looks up at me and smiles as he hands me over a loonie. I say “Don’t you owe me a nickel?” (to which the mid 30’s Chinese man behind me chimes in “yeah, he does”). The cashier stood there for frickin’ ever thinking, scratching his head, looking around and finally pulls open the drawer to give me my goddamn nickel. It’s not about the money boys and girls, it’s about the principle. This has now happened to me twice in the last 4 days and it happened to my pal Gareth as well this morning when he bought his morning muffin. Do they not teach basic arithmetic in schools anymore? I am tired of being shortchanged by someone too stupid to do simple math.

*(my change purse is a small, beaded bee)


Anonymous said...

arithmetic, check. how's your spelling? ("to stupid"). ;-)

have you ever read the taco-bell-two-dollar-bill story? you'd like it.

Anonymous said...

Don't even get me started on Starblechs.

J.J. said...

Can someone tell me why in the hell blogger does not have a proper spell check? When you click for spell check, it erases everything you have written and kicks you back to the very annoying.

J.J. said...

mag, LOVE the Taco Bell 2$ story, ha ha ha that's hilllarious!

Anonymous said...

If you can use Firefox, it has a built in spell checker in all its text boxes, hence my spelling is PURRFECT!