Tuesday, September 11, 2007


A Surrey woman who previously took in abused pit bulls was attacked by two of them on Sunday afternoon when they turned on her in her own home. As she was being mauled, an RCMP officer coming to her rescue made a quick decision and shot one of the vicious pit bulls. The victim and her family are now criticizing the officer’s actions and want her to know that their children are now having nightmares about the killing of their dog. Are you kidding me?? I would rather they have memories of that than memories of their mother being torn apart by 2 vicious dogs! That RCMP officer made the right decision and spared that woman further injury, she could at least be grateful. Pit bulls were bread to kill, attack and maul…any asshole who keeps them in a home, especially a home with small children should be put down along with their ‘precious’ pit bull.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ontario has banned them, I think we should too.
