Thursday, September 20, 2007

Canadian $ on a rampage

This goes out to my colleague who has to announce every 15 minutes to everyone in 'Cubeland' about how the Canadian dollar is ‘really kicking some ass’. Yeah, it’s fantastic news alright... 250,000 people were laid off from manufacturing jobs Canada-wide this year, people are buying new cars in the States to save some money thus taking a $50,000 purchase out of the local economy 1 car at a time, tourism is at an all time low as it's cheaper for people to stay at home and ski/shop then to come up here like they used to, oh, and you know what the best part is? I still get to pay a 30% mark up on most products on our local shelves as we have not made the necessary adjustments up here yet. Yeah, rock on, go Canadian dollar; idiots.

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