Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sorry kiddies, lunch is not on me

I read this on the CBC site this morning and could not help but be annoyed: The Minister of Veterans Affairs has rejected a claim that his department had agreed to buy lunch for 3,600 students who are going to France to mark the 90th anniversary of the Canadian victory at Vimy Ridge. The students raised the money to pay for their travel and other costs for the trip. The trip’s head organizer Dave Robinson said trip organizers have had to come up with another $33,000 to pay for the lunches. The money was to have been used to buy the students souvenirs.

Are you kidding me??? If you can afford to get yourself on a plane to France, put your group up at a hotel and buy the rest of your meals while in France, can you not buck up the $9.16 for lunch on the day of the ceremony?? Are we going to be subjected to a report from some crying mother on tonight’s national news: “Oh, little Timmy was supposed to take part in the ceremonies at Vimy Ridge but in the interest of tax payers, they decided to not provide him with a lunch on the one day. I guess little Timmy isn’t going to be able to go to France after all boohoooohooo”. What a friggin’ joke, only in Canada.


Anonymous said...

pehaps if the $ wasn't spent on the Quebec sponsorship program it would be available...

Anonymous said...

What about all the government money that is secretly funding the overpaid Maple Leafs. And they still didnt make the playoffs. Let's go leafs!