Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Canucks Nation?

So, tonight is the first night of the playoffs and as everyone in the ‘Couv knows, Vancouver made it in. We easily have the most fickle fans in the NHL though; Vancouver fans are known for booing the American anthem, throwing beer at the opposing teams and throwing garbage on the ice when we lose; yep, we’re a classy bunch. It’s no wonder that Mayor Sam Sullivan and the VPD are scared shitless about possible riots a la 1994 and other problems caused by mainly the bridge and tunnel folk (you know who you are…Surrey).

People wonder why we’re called the ‘city of no fun’, well it’s because a few idiots in the crowd ruin it for the rest of us. You gave up on the Canucks every time that they lost and proclaimed that they suck and now that they’re in the playoffs, you’re back on the bandwagon. God forbid they lose or else it’s a Canada Post mail box going through the window of Roots or Aldo on Robson. Grow the hell up people, it is just a game and why can’t you drive home and smash up your own hood?


Anonymous said...

yeah, come in from surrey and have a drink and ruin it for everyone embaressing!

Anonymous said...

I say burn the city down. Down with the bourgeoisie west side. Wait, don't most of the Canucks live there. And my pediatrician lives there too. OK scratch that. Down with Surrey only then. Also, down with the Leafs. We'll let the Habitants off. They are probably getting grilled by the press...peut-être l'année, muhahaha