I attended the Federal Liberal Convention for BC and here is a lovely shot of the crew hanging out with Michael Ignatieff pre-hospitality suite; good times. Van Centre Represent!
Most who read my blog are not political so I will not bore y'all with details but here are a few things that made me laugh during question period:
- Will it kill bats?? re: nuclear power. "If we have nuclear power where will we store the waste? In caves? We can't have it in the caves because it will kill bats...we cannot kill bats" - crazy old man in the red fleece
- making the Port Mann wider vs. adding more rapid transit. "Don't you realise that Abbotsford is BC's fastest growing community? Soon we'll be the cultural hub. You people from Vancouver should have to drive out here for government services instead of us having to come to you; it just makes sense" - bat shit crazy man from Abbotsford
- a certain MP who introduced himself with a mouthful of food with mayo all over his chin, onion on his chin, not using a plate or a napkin...who voted for this pig? Seriously.
- Guy who thought he had an afro from P.G. "The mountain pine beetle is like, the biggest issue since like, Confederation"...yeah, whatever.
- Last but certainly not least; Orca: this guy stopped a room full of partying people as we all turned in horror as he ate his food; he made this wheezy breathing sound as he ate and he sounded like a friggin' orca!
Anyhow, we had a sweet condo w/ a hot tub and we had a blast. Why the Liberal party chose the only place in BC still experiencing flurries and cold I will never know but we had a blast.
Is he still alive?
Is who still alive??
Where is the picture of Mr Dion? or was he not back from voting in the french election?
Of course he's alive...alive and well. His speech on Saturday was awesome.
why are your eyes all Liberal red?
because my camera had issues that evening...or mayyyybe we are seeing RED because of Stephen Harper :P
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