Friday, February 29, 2008

Who exactly is rocking the vote?

I hadn’t thought about the topic of polls since my days back in university statistics class until the topic came up on the Mercer Report this week. It’s funny how governments do actually make decisions based on these figures and how all of our newspapers use them on a daily basis; but for what really? Who answers the phone when an unknown 1-800 number calls anymore? Every person I know in Vancouver under the age of 30 does not even have a landline anymore, they only have cell phones and pollsters do not call cell phones. So who exactly is taking these polls anyway? 80 year olds and crazy people are my guess. I would love to be polled but it looks like that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Oh well, I'd probably just mess with the pollsters anyway and say that I was voting for the Nudist Gardening Party again cause afterall, anything is better than Mayor Sam Sullivan.

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