Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hail to the Chimp

I have been waiting 8 long years for this day: Bush's last day in office, *hooray* (I have also been waiting quite some time to use this beauty of a pic!) It is truly the end of an era. An era of stupidity, scariness, fake weapons of mass destruction, a trigger happy Vice President, an entire generation of children being taught to pronounce 'nuclear' incorrectly... Hopefully the door hits you nice and hard in the ass on your way out. Oh, and can you please take Sarah Palin with you under whatever rock you scurry back under? Ta much Shrub, it's been a slice.


Greg Elzinga said...

Remember the sun shone brighter that day!

J.J. said...

It did, I remember..

Anonymous said...

Good riddance!!! Where is the US going to get all their entertainment from now?

J.J. said...

Sarah Palin...2012

pariie said...

LOVE the pic you've got on this post.