Saturday, August 07, 2010

Get your hate on

I hate a lot of things. People are always telling me that “hate” is such a strong word and that I should say “dislike” for everyday things and save hatred for things like Hitler, genocide and people who kick puppies. Well you know what, I think that some of you need to broaden your horizons and get your hate on.

Hating things is pretty awesome. Also, it's really easy. It doesn't take any more effort to hate something than it does to be completely indifferent so why not go full hog? Besides, indifference is boring; arguably, indifference is a great indicator of a weak character if you ask me, like people who always say “I dunno, whatever you want to do” when you ask them what would they like to do today. At least hatred is passionate and not wishy washy.

Here's the thing: I'm not an optimist but I'm not a pessimist, either. I like to think of myself more as a realist, like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. In general, people who want to believe that everything is all sunshine and rainbows are ultimately going to be disappointed and hurt whereas people who want to believe that everything just plain sucks will generally find out that they are indeed right and won't be crushed when things don’t work out cause well, duh, that’s what always happens.

I wake up in the morning hating the day, mostly because I seriously HATE my alarm clock and the noises that emit from it. I hate everybody on the train and those that I pass on my commute. I hate picking out an outfit, I hate figuring out what to eat for lunch. I basically hate everything.

BUT - and this is key - BUT I stay flexible to allow myself to be pleasantly surprised when something I expected to hate turns out to be awesome. It means I end up appreciating the awesomeness of it so much more than the average sunshine and rainbows person.

Sure, of course it's totally rare that I get to be pleasantly surprised when something I hated ends up being completely awesome. Most of the time, I just keep on hating everything. Of course, then, I was right to have hated it all along. And the only thing that I enjoy more than hating everything is being right.


Sisi said...

Hate ON Sistah!

Anonymous said...

To be fair Eeyore was more of a pessimist than a realist.

Also anyone who knows 'The JJ' also knows she isn't that big on hate. I would call it: Guarded cynical optimism.