Monday, November 30, 2009

Annoying people pet peeve number #BZ-56743

This pet peeve would have to be people who only ping me to talk about themselves and their good news and can barely squeak out a “Well, how are you doing JJ?” Selfish people piss me off and don’t think for a second that I don’t realize you do this. Funny enough, but these are usually the very same people that when you do have good news of your own, you are too scared to tell them as you know that they will talk about you behind your back or find something negative in your news. This is the year when I will seriously stick to my plan of divorcing people who are lame and who suck what little positive energy that I have left out of me. This time I mean it.


Sisi said...

OMG! #BZ-56743 on my list involves people that sit behind you on planes and constantly kick your seat or push the back of your seat as if they are propping their feet up. I think it's cool that we use the same numbering convention for our pet peeves. What is your #LX-11836?

J.J. said...

#LX-11836? That would be people who crunch ice...I friggin' hate that.

Sisi said...

Heheheheh! Mine is people who pick their noses in their cars when waiting for the light to change.