Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our tax dollars at work

I know that it’s tax time here in the Great White North and I am pretty sure that about 90% of the country is slightly on edge about it, but does that give you any reason to be a complete f’ing beeyatch to me on the phone Miss CRA? The Government of Canada owes me a few grand this year and when I called to change my banking direct deposit information with them, they claim to have never had banking info for me in the first place. When I asked her how it magically appeared in my account for the last oh…10 years or so she said “I don’t know, you tell me.” Nice, that was totally worth being on hold for 17 minutes for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you get her name? I would have called to complain. I know that we've never supplied information to them and refunds have appeared in our accounts before. I figure that because we've paid tax bills through our bank, that the CRA would have record of the transaction and that the account numbers and routing codes would be recorded on our file. That's the only way I can figure them doing what they do.
As for the bad is the governement of Canada. The last bastion of soon-to-retire-smokaholic-ontarian-malcontents. Did you expect a nice experience? It's about the same as calling Air Canada!!!