Tuesday, November 13, 2007

That Canadian Guy in SFO

Allstream threw a kickass “Canada Party” at the top of the Marriott Hotel tonight for all Canadian and Canadian-positive conference attendees. It included free booze and food until 7pm and the view was amazing. Best of all was they flew a Canadian comic down to entertain us all, Glen Foster (That Canadian Guy). Him and Rick Mercer are about the only 2 reasons to watch the CBC at all and he totally rocked the crowd. Afterward I went to thank him for the show and invited him out to dinner with our crew and sure enough, he came along! It was a great night with lots of laughs. It goes to show the difference between celebrities in Canada vs. the U.S. though.


Anonymous said...

What about Hockey Night in Canada or is that a given? re: CBC

J.J. said...

Sorry, Hockey Night in Canada IS a given, yes :P