Monday, January 29, 2007

Without You, I Would Be Messy

I am a messy girl. No matter what I am eating I will leave some evidence of it because I am always dropping or spilling or knocking bowls/plates of food onto myself. Don't ask me how, it's a gift. You can't take me anywhere nice unless I am wearing all black! That was until my mum got me a Tide To Go stain remover stick for Christmas, boooya! Now I can eat everywhere and spill all I like. This thing is a godsend...thank you Tide Gods!


Anonymous said...

I've always worried about you and your ability to spill food all over yourself. I never do that myself and I could never understand why gravity affected you so.

J.J. said...

OMG YOU are worse than I am at spilling food all over yourself!!!! That's hil-ar-ious....bun-nay.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The spilling thing is really ironic considering that J.J. is "part Ninja".

PS. Blog about being a Ninja, and Batman at the same time.