Friday, May 07, 2010

Greedy much?

I recently received a new BC Care Card and with it came forms from BC Transplant to sign up as an organ donor. I was reading through the various options out of curiosity and was drawn to the return envelope. It had this sing songy note saying that although the postage is pre-paid, you could affix your own postage to save BC Transplant the fee as an ‘additional gift.’ Seriously? Haven’t you already asked for enough from me? You really need another 65 cents? Ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if they would accept a kidney in an envelope as a token of your commitment...

Anonymous said...

As if your kidney wasn't enough ;)

Anonymous said...

Never sign that card. Ever. What if they want your kidney before you're done with it. Jack
Hey--I got off easy this time. I only had to spell fectu. Honestly--I couldn't make that up.