Thursday, October 02, 2008

Post-debate Palin ponderings

Okay, I know that this will sound a bit catty but I'm seriously disappointed that Palin didn't completely crash and burn in the VP debates this evening. I wanted carnage and embarrassment on that stage tonight! And don't lie, you know that you wanted it too! Oh well. How in the hell can Sarah Palin be able to pronounce 'Ahmadinejad' but can't pronounce 'nuclear'? She is like a female Dubya but even dumber...who knew it was possible?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like to think of her as a political equivalent of Paris Hilton. I guess McCain is probably kicking himself for not picking someone who can string two words together on the subject of that whole economy thingy everyone keeps talking 'bout. You betcha. Ya.