Now that I live in East Van, I notice that people actually lock up their belongings with great fervor. But seriously, what is up with those car alarms that have like 4 different sounds? There is the traditional “beep, beep, beep” followed by the air raid siren sound, followed by the police siren’ish one and then it finishes up with the flock of Canadian geese sound. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Is that really necessary?
Yes, your life and your time are far more important than the server behind the counter getting your morning coffee for you, a-hole. On a nearly daily basis I am left shaking my head at people’s complete lack of manners and disregard for common decency. If you are being served by someone, hang up your damn cell phone already and talk to them like the human being they are, they not your servant and no one is impressed by your conversation; your cheap polyester suit already shows me that you are a complete wank at best.
I am not going to rag on about the popular vote and how unfair first past the post can be as I will look like a huge whiner seeing as my party lost *sniffle* but I am going to give a huge shout out to Québec for saving us from a much worse fate. Last night Harper and his Conservatives came dangerously close to obtaining a majority government but thanks to our Québécois friends voting for the Bloc, Serial killer Harper is stuck with yet another minority government. I find it quite ironic that a sovereigntist party saved Canada yesterday but they did and we should all thank them profusely.
I was watching tv with the man last night when a commercial came on for A&W. They were introducing a new sirloin burger called “The Uncle Burger”. This adds to their ‘family’ line up of: Papa Burger, Mama Burger, Teen Burger, etc. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Is it just me or is someone at A&W a wee bit f’ed up? I think their product and branding managers are cannibals or something.
Okay, I know that this will sound a bit catty but I'm seriously disappointed that Palin didn't completely crash and burn in the VP debates this evening. I wanted carnage and embarrassment on that stage tonight! And don't lie, you know that you wanted it too! Oh well. How in the hell can Sarah Palin be able to pronounce 'Ahmadinejad' but can't pronounce 'nuclear'? She is like a female Dubya but even dumber...who knew it was possible?
Welcome to the J spot. This is a blog about Montréal and my crazy interpretation of the strange events going on around me. I can be a little rough around the edges and you may not always agree with me but hey, I'm always rocking great heels and I may even share some of my red wine with you if you'll hear me out.