Wednesday, December 05, 2007

You Know You’re Married When…

…you can chat about who’s toothbrush head is who’s for 15 minutes before you fall asleep and again for the first 5 minutes as soon as you both wake up. We have a lovely Sonicare toothbrush, which by the way totally kicks ass. Anyhow, the toothbrush heads have the coloured stripes on them so you know which one is yours. When we got these new heads, I chose green because it is my favourite colour and the husband got blue because blue is his favourite colour. Seems easy enough doesn’t it? Turns out the tricky guy has been using my toothbrush for who knows how many months now and we only found out last night this was the case…lots of finger pointing, laughing, etc. was had by all last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eeew yet still so cute