Saturday, March 24, 2007

Blog Thief

I obviously have readers in Kits now..Don't rip off my posts ya bastard! titled "Umbrella Etiquette Refresher" Saturday March 24, 2007.

Does it perhaps remind you a bit of my umbrella etiquette rant posted on November 10, 2006? Hmmm at least give me some credit! Oh, and the West End is where it's at, Kits is not half as kewl :P


Anonymous said...

Immitation is the sincerist form of flattery you know!

Stop your complaining-you should be happy as Quebec screwed us again in the latest budget..

J.J. said...

Vive le Quebec Libre! What's new there, Quebec always screws the rest of Canada over: budget, policy, etc. wise. Get used to it! The English will be kissing their ass for generations to come I'm afraid. We'll see how the elections pan out tomorrow...go Charest!!! Gotta love his 'fro.

J.J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Frigging Frenchies!

Anonymous said...

Arbutus Walk Talk here, just dropping a note to say that the whole world doesn't revolve around you. I had never been to your site until today.