Monday, April 11, 2011

Honda annoyance, part deux

The Honda dealership across the street from my condo has pissed me off yet again. First it was their bright sign that flashed into my bedroom like the Kenny Rogers Chicken sign in Seinfeld but now they have decided to piss me off aurally too. They put a huge sign in their window on Kingsway that says “Honk if You Are a Canucks Fan!!” Now I get woken up at zero dark stupid on a daily basis by semi-trucks blaring their horns because obviously, they’re a fan; grrrreat.


JeLLyPiG said...

At least they didn't go with "Honk if you hate the Blackhawks."

Anonymous said...

The good news is that after the spankings they have taken in the last few games, there should be less honking in your near future.

Anonymous said...

Call the NHL and report them for an unauthorized advertisement...they don't like that kind of thing...

J.J. said...

They were made to change the sign because it was trademark infringement....small victory!