Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chivalry is Indeed Dead

Well at least in my office it is. I work in a very male dominated office and it seems like a large number of them seem to think that some tasks are for girls and are below them. We are located in the penthouse of a fancy schmancy tower and seeing as no one sits up front, we had a doorbell installed so that we could hear couriers and visitors arriving. I have sat all over the office and I know for a fact that there is an area right by the door where a group of guys sit that can hear the door but they choose to ignore it 99% of the time which means that either me (who was recently hit by a truck and injured) or my very pregnant office mate Rena, have to constantly run and answer the door while the guys just sit there with stupid grins on their faces. Most of the time the doorbell rings for one person in particular who is always having his personal packages sent to the office. Rena and I have decided that next time this happens, his package will be waiting for him in the women's washroom...take that you smug asshole.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Last Meal

Why is it that whenever American media has a story about someone being executed that they feel the need to share what the prisoner requested for their last meal? I don’t get it, who cares? Perhaps I just don’t ‘get’ capital punishment to begin with, I dunno. I also wonder what I would pick for my last meal, that's a tough call.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Broke-ass Education System

I take the trolley bus to work a lot of the time and the aquarium is the last stop on the #19, joy. Are our schools completely flat ass broke or what? What is with teachers bringing on classes of 30+ kids during the freakin’ morning rush hour on public transit?? First of all I can tell you that 2 adults trying to contain 30 kids is like herding cats while on LSD chained to a fence and I can also tell you that it’s not my freakin’ job to make sure that Junior doesn’t wander off the bus in Chinatown because he sees something shiny. Today we were headed downtown and this little girl who couldn’t have been more than 6 years old made eye contact with me as she turned a lovely shade of kale green and proceeded to christen the trolley bus floor with her chewed up morning Froot Loops, lovely. Whatever happened to the days when parents would all carpool the kiddies or god forbid, the school would rent a SCHOOL bus to take them to where they wanted to go. Schools should at least pick non-rush hour times to take their orangutans/ kidlets on public transit for the sake of all humanity.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

There Ain't No Party Like a Walgreen's Party

Seattle, June 2010. I was buying some Bandaids at the Walgreen’s near Pike Place Market for my feet as my dogs were barkin’ and it was quite a scene; the cashiers were all either loony tunes or they were all high as kites…perhaps both. Everyone was dancing and bopping about and my cashier was rapping to me while ringing my purchase through “Butterfinger, Crackerjacks, yo…you want some? They’re great, so sweet. Butterfinger, Crackerjack YO!” I stood there in disbelief trying not to laugh at the hilarity of everything going around me. I will definitely be back, it was like a nightclub in there and it was only 3pm.